To be a parent, you must be part crazy.
Or maybe you start off normal and it’s your kids who make you crazy?!
I don’t know if I ever experienced so many emotions in a single day before having kids.
The joy in watching them play together, the annoyance in listening to them whine, the pride in seeing them learn a new skill and the feeling of defeat after a meltdown.
Still, we go on to have more children and even look back at photos of them while they’re sleeping, even when we saw them all day (note the crazy here)!
As parents, we have to realize we are far from perfect, just like our children. We make mistakes and that’s ok. It’s how we connect with our kids after that counts.
The feeling of guilt is sometimes over powering as a parent. We lose our cool, we feel defeated , we know we should have handled a situation better.
But I think it’s this guilt that makes us great parents. It’s us wanting to be better for them, better for our families. We compare ourselves to others (who are also feeling guilty and who also are far from perfect).
We think they have it all together and wonder why we’re such a hot mess.
The truth is we’re all just winging it. We all love our kids but we also want (and need) breaks from them. We just want to do what’s best for them and us. We’re all just figuring it out day by day.
So go ahead, admire the cute photos of your kids, knowing very well they will most likely test your patience at some point after school/ work today!! It’s just the cycle of life