Post Vacation Thoughts

Post Vacation Thoughts

I read something while we were away that really resonated with me. It really was the perfect time to come across this quote. 

*It was that the hard and the happy coexist. We crave closeness to, and space from our little ones. We feel sheer exhaustion and fulfilment simultaneously. *

You don’t get one without the other. 

My Mom Truth- Where I Struggle Most

My Mom Truth- Where I Struggle Most

The hardest part about parenting (for me, right now) is keeping my patience in check. I know that toddler brains are far from developed, that what is reasonable to us, isn’t to them. That repeating myself is never going to get the outcome I desire. That raising my voice to get them to listen not only doesn’t work, but leaves me with the heaviest amount of guilt.

Parenthood is a Roller Coster

Parenthood is a Roller Coster

Parenthood is a roller coaster.

It’s filled with ups and downs and twists and turns.

There are moments you can predict what will happen and moments that take you by surprise.

It’s also very much an emotional one.

This morning I woke up completely DONE and my day hadn’t even started.

I Haven't Written in One Year- Where Has the Year Gone?!

I Haven't Written in One Year- Where Has the Year  Gone?!

It has been ONE year since I’ve written a blog! 

November 9, 2018 I published a blog about the fast approach of my twins first birthday. 

I now sit here, one year later and think to myself how has ALL this time past?! 

Well, I’ll tell you how. TWINS. That’s how! 

But actually there’s more to the story. 

Approaching the First Birthday

Approaching the First Birthday

As a child reaches their first birthday, it’s a really emotional time for new parents. It’s the realization of the shocking truth that somehow one whole year has already passed by, it’s the sadness in knowing the newborn baby stage is over, it’s the excitement of watching your child navigate this world, its the joy in watching each milestone. It’s the adventure of the unknown. 

What Motherhood Has Taught Me so Far

What Motherhood Has Taught Me so Far

In the grand scheme of parenthood, I haven’t been a mother all that long. None the less, I have been through more firsts in the past 6 months than I have ever been through before. In no particular order, here are 25 things I’ve learned or realized since giving birth;

Parenthood – What the Prenatal Classes DON’T Tell You

Parenthood – What the Prenatal Classes DON’T Tell You

I’ve been a mother now for two months, am apart of several Facebook mom/ twin groups and took the prenatal classes before giving birth. So now that I’ve proven myself an expert, let me share with you what I’ve learned.