It has been ONE year since I’ve written a blog!
November 9, 2018 I published a blog about the fast approach of my twins first birthday.
I now sit here, one year later and think to myself how has ALL this time past?!
Well, I’ll tell you how. TWINS. That’s how!
But actually there’s more to the story.
We now also have a TWO month old baby GIRL!!
Yep, a lot can change in ONE YEAR!
The boys turned one last December, we all celebrated Christmas and New Years and we soon after found ourselves celebrating another pregnancy.
This past year has flown by. (As I guess all years do in hindsight).
I sit here, shocked that I haven’t written in a year, yet surprised that I let that time just slip through my fingers.
Although writing is my outlet, raising two little’s and being pregnant with another is quite tiresome and left me spending my free time doing, well, I don’t even know. Mom stuff I guess.
We live in a busy world. Full of work weeks and overtime, kids’ activities and playtime. Meal prep, cooking and cleanup. House cleaning and yard work. Dog walking, calling our mother, ensuring we get enough water, the list goes on.
We live in a time that unless every hour of your day is booked and full, you feel you aren’t doing enough; lagging behind.
I’m lucky enough to stay at home with my kids. It’s exhausting, amazing, draining and rewarding all in one. Yet, to the outside world, it’s not enough.
Stay at home moms, what do they do all day?!
Good question, cause I honestly don’t even know the answer.
My bosses are three tiny people who are navigating this big crazy world. Every day is different. Every day is an adventure.
For example, yesterday my twins napped wonderfully for an hour and a half and I had that time to myself, today, one of the twins fought his nap (hello two year sleep regression, or welcoming a new baby- or anything else!) and I had to bring him in bed with me so he could fall asleep.
Every day is different, and every day is full of learning, eating, cleaning, playing, tears, laughter, joy and unfortunately sometimes, the toddler tantrum.
The point of my story is this- life is busy. Like really busy. And you look around and realize everyone is busy. But it’s not a competition of who can fit the most into their day.
If you can spend every free ounce of your time doing something productive and empowering- good for you. All the power to you.
BUT if you choose to spend that free time just hanging with kids, meal prepping, or catching up on a show every now and then. That is good too!
You do you!
As important as it is to do things meaningful and impactful to you, on a personal basis, don’t feel bad if more time slips by between those activities than you’d like. Maybe the times just not right. But one day it will be!
Enjoy the moment you’re in, because as well know, moments become memories far too quickly!