Parenthood – What the Prenatal Classes DON’T Tell You
The twins are two months old. They are gaining about 1 oz per day and I haven’t (totally) lost my mind- so we must be doing ok… winning… or, should I say TWINING… ok… bad joke.
Anyways, you know that saying; the days are long, but the years are short. I believe it!! It’s been two months since the boys were born and almost a year since we got pregnant.
I’ve learned a lot about being a mom, and yet, somehow, nothing at all. What I mean by that is; everyday there is something new. What may have worked to quiet the boys last week just doesn’t seem to work this week. Their sleep patterns last night will differ a bit from their sleep patterns tonight (not that you can have a schedule yet at this age.)
I’ve been a mother now for two months, am apart of several Facebook mom/ twin groups and took the prenatal classes before giving birth. So now that I’ve proven myself an expert (ha), let me share with you what I’ve learned.
1- No one really is an expert. Babies are tiny people after all; with their own unique personalities. What works for one baby doesn’t necessarily work for another baby. When someone tells you to try this, or buy that, take that advice with a grain of salt. It might not necessarily work for you and your baby, even though it’s proven gold for them.
Also, that person giving you that advice; that friend, that fellow parent; dig deep. They’ll probably admit to you that they don’t really know either. This is just their personal experience, and the wins that have been proven in their household (probably after many, many losses).
2- Every delivery is different and every delivery is amazing. People think there are two different types of deliveries; vaginal or C-section; WRONG. Well, actually, that is correct, but there is SO much more involved than that. There are so many tiny details that are apart of delivering a baby, that no two birth stories will ever be alike. Best thing is not to have too much of a ‘birth plan’ in mind because, honestly you never know what will happen! And, don’t compare your delivery to anyone else’s. Your delivery is unique and amazing. It may have been long, short, painful, wonderful, vaginal, or C-section. At the end of the day, you brought life into this world, and that’s all that really matters!
3- Recoveries are different for everyone. Doctors say it takes about 6 weeks before you can start to resume normal activities and really feel like yourself again. That is ONLY a guideline. Some people take less time, some people take more. Your body will heal at its own pace, not at the pace your doctor says. And, FYI, not to be too gross or forward, but bleeding does not stop once the delivery does. Unfortunately, that can follow you for weeks after delivery. Just be prepared…
4- What is involved in recovery is different for everyone. For example; 5 days post delivery (the first night we spent at home) I woke up in the middle of the night DRENCHED! I was freaking out, obviously googling my symptoms. Turns out my body was releasing all the extra fluid that I had retained since the IV from the hospital. It’s totally normal, and yet something I had NO IDEA could happen (and an instant 5 pound weight loss)!
5- Although breastfeeding is a very natural event, it doesn’t always come easy. Clogged ducts, Mastitis, Thrush; all things that can happen from breastfeeding (and very common) but yet, I don’t remember hearing of these terms! I remember thinking breastfeeding would just come so easy and there would be zero complications. After all, your body is meant to do this. Just be prepared that if it doesn’t go to plan, its OK, there are lactation consultants out there and many people to help you with breastfeeding, if that’s the path you choose for you and baby.
Now that I’ve freaked you out, grossed you out, and made you a little nervous, I’ve saved the best for last…
6- No one can prepare you for the amount of love that takes over once you meet this child. It’s the weirdest feeling. This baby, essentially is a stranger. Yet, you have this indescribable bond with it. You have this unconditional love and desire to protect and care for it almost immediately. Motherly instincts really do just come to you. You’re the most nervous you’ve ever felt and scared that you’re going to mess up. And, you will mess up, but that’s ok. After all, you’re human. A human in love…