32 Weeks Pregnant – 8 Months
Wow, 8 months pregnant! I really don’t know where the time has gone! To be fair, and completely honest; I think the time has gone by so quickly because my pregnancy has been pretty easy. I obviously don’t have anything to compare it to, but I was prepared for the worst (by doctors telling me symptoms could be heightened due to twin pregnancy). However, I think I’ve gotten off pretty easy.
Until now… Now that I’m 8 months pregnant, I’m starting to feel the effects of pregnancy! Nothing major, but sleeping is becoming more difficult, peeing is becoming more frequent and apparently my legs have the capability to swell up to the size of an elephant trunk!
Now that I am in my last month of pregnancy we have started our prenatal classes… not sure about any of you, but I’m pretty sure my husband would rather do anything other than attend these classes. I have to give it to him though that he does attend, despite his busy schedule and despite the fact that he really doesn’t find them useful. He goes because I’ve asked him to join me. For example, our first class was all about breastfeeding. When I asked him if he got anything out of the class he responded with ‘No, not really. I milked cows back In Ireland, and it’s pretty much the same thing.’ … not sure if you can feel or sense my eye rolling from your screen, but I was less than impressed with his comparison. Although, with twins, I’m sure I’ll be able to relate with the whole cow thing!
In our second class, the lady talked about nesting. For those of you who are unaware, nesting can come on in the late weeks of pregnancy and is an overwhelming desire to get your house ready for your babies’ arrival. With some minor home changes, we are hoping to be back in our home this coming weekend. And let me tell you, the nesting feeling is hitting me strong. I’m so grateful to my in laws for hosting us and taking such good care of us while we are out of our house, but I cannot wait to be back in our home and get our home clean and ready for the twins arrival.
After all, they really could come at any time now! The goal is to deliver between 36-37 weeks, but we’ve been told to prepare for them anytime after 30 weeks. So far, I feel very grateful and lucky to have made it this far!
My last ultra sound was right at 32 weeks. I was told that most singletons at that stage in pregnancy weigh around 4 pounds, 4 oz. They don’t give you an average weight for twins, just that you can expect them to be a bit smaller in size…. Except mine apparently. Baby A was 4 pounds, 4 oz. and Baby B was 4 pounds, 3 oz.!! Chunky little monkeys considering there are two of them. But, in all seriousness what a relief! I feel great knowing we’ve made it this far and they are already both over 4 pounds. (Although I’m slightly terrified of what their weight will be if we do make it to 36 weeks?!)
All in all, looking back at the last 8 months, I can’t help but feel amazed at what my body has done. And really, without much help from me. Somehow it has safely created, housed, and nourished TWO babies at one time. It has allowed them to grow at the same rate of singletons, it has kept them safe from TTTS (twin to twin transfusion) and it has gotten us over the initial twin goal of carrying to 30 weeks.
I want my babies’ safe and to stay in until they are healthy to come out but I am getting super excited for their arrival. If they don’t come on their own we should be expecting them around December 12, and honestly, I think, this will be the BEST Christmas gift ever!