A Gender Reveal Reflection
Firstly, I need to start this blog by thanking one of my readers! I got a message one morning from another twin-mom-to-be and she was thanking me for helping to prepare her for her next step of pregnancy. She was saying she was enjoying reading my blogs and following my journey. She ended her message saying she looked forward to my next blog, and that was when it hit me. It had been way too long since I’ve last written!!
I am currently 25 weeks pregnant. I have been one of the lucky ones! My pregnancy has been pretty easy so far, so I haven’t really had that much to share. Other than going to Toronto every other week for appointments and ultra sounds (sometimes every week).
With that being said, a couple weeks ago, we did our gender reveal, and we found out that our twins are… BOYS!!
This didn’t come as too much of a shock to my husband or I. It’s not like I had a feeling or anything, and I certainly didn’t just ‘know’ they were boys. My husband thought he saw ‘something’ at one of our earlier ultrasounds and a couple times either the ultrasound tech or the doctor slipped 1 or 2 ‘he’s’, so I was pretty sure they were boys. But, we did the reveal to confirm our suspicions.
It was actually really amazing and if you want to find out the gender I really recommend it. I had this box that I had dropped off at our local party store with an envelope from my doctor revealing the gender. They filled the box with balloons to correspond with the envelope and we opened the box in front of family and friends.
The Day of the Reveal
I remember people asking me if I was nervous to open the box. I just remember feeling really anxious… until it actually became time to open it! When we started walking towards the box and our family and friends gathered to watch - my heart started to race. It was actually more of an emotional event than I thought. As I took the lid off I started to cry. Everyone else started to clap and cheer as the blue balloons came out. It wouldn’t have mattered the colour of the balloons at that point, I was just so over whelmed with the amount of love in our backyard for us and our unborn twins.
It really was incredible! I wanted so bad to peak in that envelope earlier on, but I’m so glad I didn’t. There was just something about sharing that moment with everyone who is close to us and who loves us, it was just so joyous, inclusive and special. The birth of our twins I want to be more intimate. That moment I want to be reserved for just mommy and daddy. But, this was something I was able to share with everyone else who cared. It was nothing short of perfect.
Deciding to Find out the Gender
In the beginning, when we thought it was just one baby we never would have dreamed of finding out the gender. But, after finding out we were expecting twins we started wondering if it would make things easier. We thought about it and went back and forth on finding out, until one day I just decided because we were so unsure of finding out, it clearly meant we weren’t certain we didn’t want to find out. So, gender reveal it was.
Am I glad I decided to find out the gender? YES!! It was an instant little connection. It wasn’t things inside of me anymore, it was BOYS, they were my sons!
The Perks of Knowing
Anyone who knows me, knows that I LIKE A DEAL! So, I’ve been able to search for deals now, in gender appropriate (and yes, a lot of the time MATCHING) outfits and items.
Babies outgrow clothes before they can ruin them. Because of this, buying used really does make a lot of sense! More than ¾ of the clothes I’ve bought them have been from other moms/ twin moms in my area. I’ve even bought clothing from other moms with the tags still attached. Most items have only been worn a handful of times before I got them. Throw them in the wash, and you’re good to go! You would probably be amazed if you knew the clothes I’ve bought and the prices I’ve paid.
The other day I was grocery shopping when I decided to gander the 70% off Joe Fresh rack for boys. Of course, it was end of the season items, but I was able to buy my boys a couple outfits for next summer for almost nothing!
One of the hardest decisions, my husband and I have to/ have had to make when it comes to these twins so far, and a part of our reason to find out the gender is … NAMES!
OH MY GOSH! Seriously, I’d love to hear from other moms, but this has been our BIGGEST struggle thus far! We have the hardest time agreeing on names! So we thought if we found out the gender we could atleast save ourselves some turmoil and focus on just one gender set of names instead of two!
Funny enough, we had pretty much agreed on our girl names (go figure!) But now, we’re left to struggle with the boy names. (Honestly, wish us luck!!) I am not lying when I say we’ve spent HOURS and HOURS discussing names so far, and we still don’t know what we’re going to name them.
Our doctors refer to them as A and B, and at this point we might just follow suit and write letters down instead of names on the birth certificates!
Time to Get Real
OF COURSE the number one thing any mom wants is for her child (or children) to come out healthy. But, I would be lying if I said I’m not just a LITTLE bit sad the peanuts inside of me aren’t girls. My husband and I talked about having kids and two really just seem like the perfect number. We aren’t outnumbered and no child is left to be the odd man out. Plus, after twins, I feel like the third would feel left out! We obviously can’t predict the future, and it’s too early to say we certainly wont have more kids, but if we do stop after this pregnancy part of me will be a little sad to never experience a daughter. I grew up really close to my mom, and I always imagined having that same bond with my daughter. With girl time, girl chat, wedding planning, phone calls after she moves out, I want all of that. Someone once told me you have a son until they move out and find a wife, you have a daughter for life. Is that true?? It can’t be, right??!!
Pity party aside, I really am thrilled. I had my moment of honesty and now comes my moment of clarity. I’m excited to be a boy mom. I’m excited to be a mom. Period. Regardless of their gender! Being a mother is a special gift and I really don’t plan on taking it for granted!