How to be More Efficient with Time Management
We all have those days… you wake up and feel like you can conquer the world; you have tasks at hand and all the best intentions to complete them. You have a long list of point form thoughts you want to accomplish, you even wake up early, thinking you’ll get a head start. You sip your coffee feeling carefree, and then, all of a sudden, it’s time to start preparing dinner and you haven’t accomplished anything! You feel frustrated, tired, stressed and overwhelmed.
You’re successful in many ways, but at times you feel lost for time!
You dream of living your life stress free, accomplished and at peace. But, with this never ending list and no plan of how to organize your day, you will never acquire that lifestyle.
The trick is; understanding how to manage your time. Once this is accomplished, you can learn to live life productively.
How to Manage your Day Efficiently
You might have a to-do list, but is it organized properly? End every evening with going through your to-do list for the next day and put your most important tasks at the start of the list. The jobs that aren’t as time sensitive, keep at the bottom of the list to accomplish whenever time allows.
Distractions can take away a big part of your day. You are working when all of a sudden you get a Facebook notification that your friend commented on your recently posted photo. But, what did they say? You immediately log on to Facebook to find out. Instead, you need to turn it off before it becomes a distraction! Allow yourself 45 minutes to an hour of uninterrupted time, if you succeed, then reward yourself with a short 10 minute social media catch up session. It’s important to take breaks to keep your mind refreshed and focused, but you have to manage them. Remember, a break is a break. It’s short term.
Biting Off More than You Can Chew
Are you filling up your day too much? You aren’t superwoman, although it would be awesome if you were! You can’t accomplish everything. If you take on too many tasks, you are setting yourself up for failure. If you have a list the length of your arm, even if you accomplish 5 big tasks, at the end of the day it won’t look like much. Be realistic when setting your daily tasks and goals.
How to Get More Done
In order to have a successful day, you have to set yourself up for success. Start each morning with your to-do list in hand. Go down the list, and don’t move on until the first job is done. Take breaks every so often and don’t allow yourself to get distracted by talking on the phone, social media, or tv. Those are for breaks only. Start saying no, you can’t possibly accomplish everything and it’s ok to say no. Postpone tasks to other days when time allows for it.
Now you’re all set for success! Break over, put down this article and get back to work!