
A Christmas Thought

A Christmas Thought

We have so much to be thankful for, some people never will have the chance to enjoy Christmas lights, or have family to celebrate with. The holidays really are a humbling time for me. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of the holidays and not often enough do people look back on all they have and things they should be thankful for. 

When your Children Learn the Truth about Santa

When your Children Learn the Truth about Santa

I don’t have children, but I’ve always loved Christmas. I’ve always wondered how parents and kids handle the transition from believing Santa Claus is real to believing in the Joy and Spirit of Christmas when kids learn Santa (spoiler alert!) isn’t real.

The Ultimate Gift this Holiday Season

The Ultimate Gift this Holiday Season

Remember when you were younger, and Christmas was all about the presents. You couldn’t wait to write that letter to Santa so he would know just what to get you. You didn’t just want regular Barbie, you wanted Baby Spice Barbie, and if it wasn’t the right one, you would have been upset! Christmas literally meant waking up and opening presents. That’s what you looked forward to and that’s what you thought the season was all about.

However, I’ve enjoyed Christmas much more since my mentality changed.