new years resolutions



I’ve said it before, and I’m sure you have too. It would be so nice to unplug from your phone and social media every now and then. I honestly couldn’t tell you how many times a day I check my phone. The sad truth of the matter is; I’m doing it out of habit. Have you ever thought about it? I’m sure you are too!

2016- It’s about Goals not Resolutions

2016- It’s about Goals not Resolutions

It’s the start to a brand new year. We’re on day 4 of a 365 day journey that is 2016.

Well, actually, if we’re going to be technical, it’s a leap year. February 29 was added to our calendar, so this year we have 366 days.

Does anyone else wonder what the big hype is about making New Year’s Resolutions?

Does anyone else find them pointless and a waste of time?