10 Things Healthy People Do Before 8 AM

10 Things Healthy People Do Before 8 AM

Even if you don’t consider yourself a morning person there are things you can do, or start to do, to build a healthy routine and start your day off on the right foot.

The first hour you are awake is what sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you can build a healthy daily morning routine you are more likely to have a successful, productive day, every day.

1.      Drink a Glass of Water

It’s no secret drinking water is good for us. It keeps us hydrated and keeps our metabolism active. A glass of water should be the first thing you grab every morning. Before your tea (or coffee) and before breakfast. Before you head up to bed, grab a glass of water and set it beside your bed, this way you have no excuses not to drink it when you wake up.

2.      Start Your Day with Some Love

Don’t wake up on the wrong side of bed, start every day in a happy mood. Wish your husband a good morning, pet your dogs, call your mom, wish your roommates a good day, anything that increases your mood.

3.      Eat a Healthy Breakfast

As you know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping this meal can be as unhealthy as eating an unhealthy one. It fuels your body after hours of emptiness (or fasting). After all, that is why they call it break -fast. Try some hard-boiled eggs, fruit and yogurt, or oatmeal.

4.      Limit Phone Use

(This one I’m still learning and working on myself)

Unless it is necessary for work, resist the urge to check it first thing! Allow the morning to be about you and starting your day off correctly. Give yourself a little time to wake up, be present and alert before falling into the routine of checking in on social media.

5.      Clean One Area

I know, mornings can be busy, but this is important. Leaving a cluttered space behind allows clutter to build in your head and have that carry over into your work day. Tidy up after yourself after breakfast. Leave the kitchen neat and tidy. It might take a couple extra minutes but you’ll be thankful when you come home to a spotless kitchen.

6.      Make a To-Do List

Do you know it’s going to be a busy day? Organize and prioritize. What’s most important? What needs to be accomplished before lunch? Is there anything that you could hand off to somebody else? Making a list of the things you need to do keeps you on track, plus you feel accomplished every time you get to check something off.

7.      Prep for Dinner

It’s important to at least have an idea of what you’ll be cooking for dinner that evening. It beats coming home to a fridge that’s empty, although you could have swore there were steaks sitting in it. Throw some items in the crockpot, take that chicken out of the freezer, make a list of things you may need to pick up from the grocery store on your way home.

8.      Move Your Body

Personally, I love morning workouts. Going to the gym after my morning tea, before thinking about work helps set my day. But, that might not be your thing. Either way, move around. Go for a short walk, work out, hey, run on the spot if you must, just get your heart pumping!

9.      Make Your Bed

There is no better feeling than getting into a freshly laundered, crisp sheet bed. However, washing you sheets ever day is a bit excessive, so the second-best thing would be to make your bed look like it has fresh sheets. Make your bed every morning so that every night you can get that feeling of getting into a freshly made bed.

10.   Take Some Time for YOU

This doesn’t have to be a lot of time, it can even be your commute to work. Just take some time where the focus can be on yourself. What are your goals for the day? How are you feeling that morning? Just take some time to get in touch with yourself so that when you get to work you're ready to give your attention to some body or something else.


Every day is different and everyone’s schedule is different. The point is, when you do wake up, start your day off correctly. Pick a couple items on this list, make them habit and routine and build from there.

What do you guys do to kick start your day?

Cheers, XO